Digital Transformation Essentials in Business


Digital Transformation Essentials in Business" is a course designed to help individuals and businesses understand the critical components necessary to implement a successful digital transformation strategy. The course covers key topics such as leadership commitment, customer-centric approach, data-driven decision-making, agility and innovation, technology infrastructure, and culture of collaboration.

The course begins by introducing the concept of digital transformation and why it's essential for businesses to remain competitive and relevant in today's fast-paced, technology-driven economy. It then explores each of the critical components in detail, providing practical examples and case studies to help learners understand how to apply these principles in their own organizations.

Programme Objective

  1. Advancing your competency on digital technologies and the associated disruptions across business contexts;
  2. Developing cross functional skills and competencies for effective management of digital;
  3. Understanding the role of digital technologies in driving effective resolution of business challenges and;
  4. Gaining a holistic understanding of managerial context and its relevance in orchestrating digital transformation.

Content & Mode Of Conduction

This programme will be conduct online to cover following content:

  • Module 1: Digital Transformation: Emergence and Evolution
  • Module 2: Digital Transformation amidst changing Business paradigms
  • Module 3: Beyond Digital: Invoking the Digital Mindset
  • Module 4: Mapping the Digital Transformation Journey

Who Should Attend

The program is designed for professionals who want to tap into Digital Transformation to blur the line between business and technology and fundamentally shift the way work gets done. Weave the digital technologies into your professional life and accelerate your career.

This program is ideal for:

  • Early-stage professionals who aspire to learn and adopt Digital transformation practices to achieve greater value, create competitive advantage, and advance their career.
  • Managers who want to increase their existing knowledge of Digital transformation to develop, deploy, and scale its project application.
  • Business leaders who want to understand how Digital transformation is rewriting business models and leverage it for the growth of their organization.
  • Consultants who want to build expertise and leverage Digital transformation to make accurate business decisions for their clients.
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners who aim to use Digital transformation to identify opportunities, grow their businesses, and lead disruption in their industry.

Programme Particulars

Programme Directors Dates &
Programme Fees (excluding GST) Registration Link
Dr. Prakrit Silal
Dr. Eshika Aggarwal
Start Date : 12 May, 2023
End Date : 13 May, 2023