The Great Reset 3.0

Navigating through disruptions at the workplace

In this dynamic world, there is a dire need for corporate houses to constantly adapt to changes in their business environment to remain relevant in their industry. The practices followed in the industry today were once a disruption to the pre-established status quo. What are today referred to as traditional practices were once contemporary, which the industry has gradually accepted. Similarly, there are some traditional practices which may need to be challenged to pave the way for progressive growth. A multitude of changes across various landscapes are already underway, but the industry is hesitant to adapt to such changes. These range from 4-day workweek, 5 generations working parallelly, remote work, work from home, etc. The onset of digital transformation has also contributed to the virtual environment we today function in and must soon immerse into. Through this topic, the panel will try to focus on those aspects and emphasize on the underlying intricacies.