

   AIIMS Jammu
An institute of national importance, AIIMS Jammu is an emerging forerunner in the field of quality medical education and training and providing robust patient care to the people of Jammu & Kashmir. AIIMS Jammu is a name synonymous with excellence and quality in healthcare delivery with a vision to establish a centre of excellence in medical education, training, healthcare, and research imbued with scientific culture, compassion for the sick, and commitment to serve the underserved. AIIMS Jammu offers undergraduate, postgraduate, post-doctoral programmes and research in the fields of medicine, nursing and all other allied branches including Healthcare and Hospital administration. Partnered with IIM Jammu, the institute launched the two-year full-time residential masters programme MBA called as MBA in Hospital administration & Healthcare Management (HA/HM). For further details on AIIMS Jammu please visit
    IIM Jammu

IIM Jammu brand is synonymous to innovation, talent and zeal for success and contribution in management. Government of India established this institute of National importance in Jammu & Kashmir in 2016. From very beginning, IIM Jammu has set high standards for outstanding value-based quality education, high quality research, executive education, consultancy and strong corporate as well as international linkages, IIM Jammu encourages contemporary research concentrating or regional, national and global issues. The vision is to develop leaders and entrepreneurs who can perform globally to make a valuable difference to society and the corporate world. The core values of IIM Jammu are Indian ethos, business ethics, excellence, innovation, entrepreneurship, integrity, and honesty. Apart from the regular MBA programme. IIM Jammu provides many faculty development programmes, management development programmes, executive MBA, MBA HA/HM, PhD and integrated programme in Management (IPM). For further details please visit


Research foundation of Hospital and Healthcare Administration (RFHHA) is the leading professional organization in hospital and healthcare in Indian subcontinent that stives to protect and promote the hospital and healthcare administration. The foundation is focused on developing capacbilities for development of healthcare administration and management so as to enhance the global committee edge of our healthcare systems. The mission of RFHHA is to strengthen management in healthcare through training and research, best practises, and transformational initiatives to meet contemporary and future social, economic, technological challenges by facilitating the exchange of information, experience, research, and advocating for polices, programmes, and practise that will improve public health. For further details on RFHHA please visit