Admission to the Library
All members are required to keep their personal belonging at the property counter at their own risk. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage to the same. Users should let the security, check their personal belongings like books, files, etc. before they leave the library premises. It is mandatory to carry your Identity Card and enter the details in library user log book to get access to the Library. All Library users are required to show their Identity Card at Library entrance.
- General Rules of IIM Jammu Library
- Use of mobile phones inside the library is strictly prohibited.
- No refreshments or foodstuff of any kind shall be consumed anywhere inside the library.
- Keeping in mind that the library is a place of individual study and research, members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the library premises.
- Suggestions for purchasing books and other materials and improving the library services are welcome.
- If necessary, the librarian can cancel the membership and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library or indulges in any other type of misconduct.
- The reader should check the books before borrowing to ensure that these are not damaged. If a book is found to be damaged or certain pages are missing, the borrower should get this statement recorded on the book, otherwise he/she shall be held responsible for the damage, discovered at the time of returning the books.
- Members should return all materials borrowed from the library before proceeding on any kind of long leave. Any member going out of the campus for more than a fortnight will ensure that the library has access to the books issued to him/her.
- Members should not sub lend the materials borrowed from the library.
- Library materials should be handled with utmost care. Nobody should write, damage and make any mark on any kind of library materials.
- The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed in his/her membership card.
- Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying an overdue charge.
- The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date.
- If the borrower has lost the issued book, the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book plus the prescribed overdue charge.
- If a book belonging to a set of Multi Volume is lost, the borrowers will replace the entire set at their own cost and take the remaining books of the set in the library with them.
- Mutilations, markings or removal of pages will be considered as "damage". Such documents, as also the lost ones, will have to be replaced or paid for at the current price. In case of rare and out-of-print books, price assessment made by the Librarian will be final and binding.
- Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers, but should be left on the tables reserved for this purpose. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
- While entering the library, readers should leave their personal belongings, such as bags, brief-cases, personal books, and parcels near the counter reserved for this purpose. However, they can carry loose papers and note books, laptops, and valuable materials.
- Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine their personal belongings.
- Smoking in the library is strictly prohibited.
- Member Privileges
- The library is primarily intended for use by faculty, students, administrative, research and other members of the Institute. The categories of members and their privileges are as follows:
Entitlement for Books
Loan Duration
60 Days
Ph.D Students
30 Days
PGP Students
15 Days
Administrative Staff
15 Days
- Overdue charges
- An amount of Rs 5/- per day per book will be charged if books are not returned within the stipulated period
- No-dues Certificate
- While leaving the institute after completion of the course, all students are required to obtain a “No-dues certificate” from the Library in order to ensure that they owe no dues to the Library.
- Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday Reading & Consultation
: 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM
Issue/Return of books
: 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM