- Read the vacancy related advertisement carefully before proceeding.
- Registered candidates/New candidates, both will proceed after clicking on Apply Now button.
- Login Form will display, in case of new candidate click on Registration form.
- New Candidates will have to fill the registration form first and then click on Register button to get registered.
- Candidate will not receive an E-mail containing E-mail ID (Username), Password and Registration ID for login. Candidate have to note down their Registration No. for future reference.
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Application Form with sub-sections like Personal details, Qualification Details, etc. will appear on the screen.
- Candidates will have to fill the form in following manner: Personal Details>Qualification Details>Work Experience Details> Award & Honors Details> Course Taught Details> Academic Guidance Details> Journals Publication Details> Conferences/Presentations Details> Book/Publication Details> Upload Photo/Signature (according to the mentioned size and format for required documents).
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Recruitment Application Form will be previewed, if required candidate can edit the form in this step only.
- After final submission of the form no editing will be allowed in the application form.
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Recruitment Application Form with all sub-sections details can be downloaded by clicking on Download button .
Current Vacancies